By deliberately focusing mental energy and activity- a simple thought process- on the anterior amygdala, this causes an increase in frontal lobes processes, "imaging" a feather tickling the amygdala, which automatically shunts neurochemical activity forward into the previously "dormant" frontal lobes.
Self-amygdala stimulation without electrodes
can be performed by using the brain's
capacity for guided imagery.
"feather tickling" visualization.
Most people feel a slight sensation when they first click: a tingling in the forehead; a giggly light feeling; a cessation of internal noise; an automatic smile. A few see lights and hear sounds. Some feel a wave of euphoria. Others sense sudden calm. (See Feedback page ) First time clicking in a quiet secluded environment helps. Eventually it can be done anywhere, anytime, any place.
called the amygdalae clicking technique results in the ability to activate the prefrontal cortex at will.

Back to visualization: When you visualize the amygdalae, the literal brain believes that you are seeing your amygdalae. That is why you can feel the sensation when you tickle them with an imaginary feather, and why you have the physiological sensation of electrical currents running down your forehead when you visualize clicking them forward and switching on the prefrontal cortex. When I feel any intense emotion (especially negative emotions), I click forward and experience an immediate sense of calm, a definite physiological sensation, nothing esoteric about it. If my internal dialogue continuously tells my literal brain that I will get sick, then I will get sick; if I constantly fear failure and visualize failure, I will fail; if I believe that I will succeed and visualize meeting the right people and being in the right place at the right time, guess what …. I will succeed against all odds. Nothing esoteric about it: if I feed my brain the right images through visualization, my brain will sensitize me to recognize the right qualities in the people who may help me, to recognize the patterns in events that may help me reach my goal, sensitize me to the right key words in literature to find the right articles and books to read, etc.

Cerebral blood flow -prokrvení mozku
Vpodstate tem de o to že zvyšenim prokrveni mozku pomoci nakloneni postele (o 11 stupnu) se vyrazne zvyši rychlost relaxace (za 30s do hluboke alfy)
Rozhodne to stoji za pokus pokud by fungovalo dalo by se použit treba i na rychlejši učeni zvyšeni prokrveni mozku využiva i sposuta "drog" na zrychleni učeni
duležity je i to jak moc to bude nakloneny malej prutok je nebezpečnej stejne tak jako velkej , stat pri učeni na hlave by asi moc pohodlny a přinosny nebylo .
Telo ten CBF zpusobenej naklonem nespiš častečne vykompenuze pomoci vestibularniho sistemu otazka ja jak moc .
Pak je tu jese zajimava teorie že pomoci vizualizace,koncentrace se da zvyšit CBF lokalne v nejake casti mozku a timji vic aktivovat
pokud by to nešlo jen vizualizaci a koncentraci tak by určite melo jit použit myšlenky ketry sou stou danou časti spojeny
(dohle puvodne silenej napad jak nasmerovat drogy do určite časti mozku a dosahnout tak specifičtejši učinek )
Možna taky naklon změni rozloženi prokrveni v mozku pokud by to fungovalo takle jednoduše tak se da očekavat sniženi bdelosti a zlepšeni vizualizace (pokud se bude ležet na zadech)
slo by pak i zjisit jaky časti mozu se vic zapnou vypnou podle toho kam se krev prelije v ruznejch polohach.Upozornuju že tohle jen napad a neni ničim podloženej.
Dnes pres noc sem to testoval ale postel je podložena asi o 2cm nic vetšiho sem nemel rano sem byl pres 2 hodky v zajimavy hypnagogiji a dobře se dařilo vracet do snu bohužel lucidita žadna.
Jestly to ma nejkou spojitost s tim naklonem netušim mohlo to zpusobyt i sousta jinejch veci treba orgonit ketrej sem mel kousek od sebe .