Duchovní molekula - dokument o DMT
Duchovní molekula - dokument o DMT
DMT vyvolává mystické a transcendentální zážitky i stavy blízké smrti, které byly téměř pro každého dobrovolníka jedním z nejhlubších zážitků v jeho životě. Strassmanovy experimenty ukazují, že DMT je přirozeně uvolňováno lidskou epifýzou. Tento proces podle Strassmana umožňuje vstoupení duše do těla, resp. její vystoupení, a tak se stává materiální podstatou zážitků zrození a smrti. Výzkum přispívá k povědomí o tom, že obýváme mnoharozměrný vesmír, mnohem komplexnější a zajímavější, než dosud předpokládala kterákoliv z vědeckých teorií.
Hodně zajímavý dokument o DMT, přirozeném alkaloidu/hormonu, který produje naše telo a je přitomný u všech zviřat a rostlin. Podle nejnovějších vědeckych výzkumů má na svědomí naše spojení s jinými duchovními světy.. DMT je obsazene i v ayuahuasce.. Tento dokument se zaměřuje na práci Dr. Ricka Strassmana, který prováděl před cca 15 lety výzkum s DMT, jsou tam rozhovory s lidmi, trocha historie z 60. let, a také o Ayahuasce, Santo Daime, UDV.. spousta zajímavých řečníků...
Stejnojmenná kniha Ricka Strassmana naznačuje, kdo jsme a proč tu jsme. Pokud bychom dokázali DMT rozumně využívat a oprostit se od rozumových předsudků, znamenalo by to pokrok a novou cestu ve zkoumání nejzáhadnějších oblastí lidské mysli a duše. Kniha se rovněž zamýšlí nad nebezpečím i očekáváním těch, kteří se rozhodli do fascinujících sfér duše záměrně vstoupit. Velmi objevná a dobrodružná četba pro každého, kdo se zajímá o mysl, filozofii, podstatu skutečnosti a spiritualitu.
Video: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=i88rG54FGyU
Hodně zajímavý dokument o DMT, přirozeném alkaloidu/hormonu, který produje naše telo a je přitomný u všech zviřat a rostlin. Podle nejnovějších vědeckych výzkumů má na svědomí naše spojení s jinými duchovními světy.. DMT je obsazene i v ayuahuasce.. Tento dokument se zaměřuje na práci Dr. Ricka Strassmana, který prováděl před cca 15 lety výzkum s DMT, jsou tam rozhovory s lidmi, trocha historie z 60. let, a také o Ayahuasce, Santo Daime, UDV.. spousta zajímavých řečníků...
Stejnojmenná kniha Ricka Strassmana naznačuje, kdo jsme a proč tu jsme. Pokud bychom dokázali DMT rozumně využívat a oprostit se od rozumových předsudků, znamenalo by to pokrok a novou cestu ve zkoumání nejzáhadnějších oblastí lidské mysli a duše. Kniha se rovněž zamýšlí nad nebezpečím i očekáváním těch, kteří se rozhodli do fascinujících sfér duše záměrně vstoupit. Velmi objevná a dobrodružná četba pro každého, kdo se zajímá o mysl, filozofii, podstatu skutečnosti a spiritualitu.
Video: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=i88rG54FGyU
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Re: Duchovní molekula - dokument o DMT
Už se těším, až to zkouknu. 
Jinak asi před měsícem a půl jsem před spaním zkusil uvolnit DMT v mozku (víceméně mě to jen napadlo). Měl jsem zavřené oči a najednou bliklo velmi výrazné červené světlo - bylo to opravdu velmi krátké, ale hodně výrazné bliknutí. Překvapilo mě to. Potom jsem šel spát. Ještě to plánuji blíže prozkoumat, ale k tomu jsem se zatím nedostal.

Jinak asi před měsícem a půl jsem před spaním zkusil uvolnit DMT v mozku (víceméně mě to jen napadlo). Měl jsem zavřené oči a najednou bliklo velmi výrazné červené světlo - bylo to opravdu velmi krátké, ale hodně výrazné bliknutí. Překvapilo mě to. Potom jsem šel spát. Ještě to plánuji blíže prozkoumat, ale k tomu jsem se zatím nedostal.
pokud někdo reagujete na nějaký můj dřívější příspěvek a chcete, abych případně také reagoval, napište mi zprávu, protože už fórum moc nepročítám a nemuseli byste se dočkat 

Re: Duchovní molekula - dokument o DMT
Zajimave to urcite byt musi
jen me napada, jestli to je sloucenina telu vlastni, tak jde urcite nejak prirozene v tele vytvaret - a to taky asi ano.. urcite v hmotne popsanem svete enzymu a chem reakci to muze byt vysvetleni presne tevchto jevu.. ale myslim ze daleko podstatnejsi je jak toho docilit <- a myslim ze zas tak snadny cil to nebude.. (i kdyz co my jen vime, mozna jedina sylna myslenka te dokaze dostat do jinych stavu - svetu) Kazdopadne jsem trosicku proti vsem moznym doplnovanim z venci.. prijde mi to jakoby clovek chtel najit nejakou zkratku k cili.. I kdyz ted me tak napada.. pokud si veme rostlinu, ktera to obsahuje, mozna je to soucast te cesty.. pffff omlouvam se za svuj myslenkovy pochod =)).. ale popsal sem to slovo od slova jak mi to slo
Tak jak tak.. nejake synteticke DMT bych urcite nebral..
p.s.: otazka na zaver: Maji i houby to DMT, nebo ty maji jen nejaky ten psylocibin (nevim jak se pise=]), ktery by mohl mit sice podobne ucinky, ale me zajima jestli maji primo DMT, vi to nekdo?

Tak jak tak.. nejake synteticke DMT bych urcite nebral..
p.s.: otazka na zaver: Maji i houby to DMT, nebo ty maji jen nejaky ten psylocibin (nevim jak se pise=]), ktery by mohl mit sice podobne ucinky, ale me zajima jestli maji primo DMT, vi to nekdo?
nejsem tím, kdo rozhoduje co je pro čí uši.. kdo nechce, stejně neuslyší
Re: Duchovní molekula - dokument o DMT
DMT uz je v mozku a urcita chemicka reakce ji dokaze vyloucit do krevniho obehu. Stejne jako signal z mozku dokaze pohnout napriklad rukou. Kdyz urcitemu mistu na mozku dame elektricky impuls tak se ta cast mozku aktivuje a treba necim pohne.
DMT se dá extrahovat z Phalaris arundinacea neboli chrastice rakosovité. Takze prakticky staci vyjit ven a hned na nejakou narazite i kdyz nevim jak v tomhle rocnim obdobi
. Postup neni tezkej na netu je toho spousta, staci parkrat zajit do drogerky 
DMT se dá extrahovat z Phalaris arundinacea neboli chrastice rakosovité. Takze prakticky staci vyjit ven a hned na nejakou narazite i kdyz nevim jak v tomhle rocnim obdobi


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Re: Duchovní molekula - dokument o DMT
hmm.. tak takhle to funguje=)).. no aaa teda ty houbicky (nektere mozna ano, ale myslim ted klasiceke nase p.bohemica, popripade mexicke) dokazi nastartovat ten proces tvorby DMT v mozku, nebo delaji jen neco jineho, dejme tomu velmi podobneho? MOhl bych si to vygooglit.. ale tady to jiste nekdo uz udelal =]
nejsem tím, kdo rozhoduje co je pro čí uši.. kdo nechce, stejně neuslyší
Re: Duchovní molekula - dokument o DMT
Psylocibin se v těle v kyselém prostředí účinkem enzymů fosfatáz defosforyluje na farmakologicky účinný psilocin. Ten potom působí jako částečný agonista k receptorům 5-HT2A v mozku, a napodobuje tak působení serotoninu. To jsem nasel 
Jinak podle urcite taky spusobuje mensi vypousteni DMT do mozku ale vsechno tohle by melo bejt v tom dokumentu. Jeste chci rict ze se tohle neda srovnavat s LSD ani s Psylocibinem jsou to uplně jiné učinky a hlavne je to tak 20x silnejsi.

Jinak podle urcite taky spusobuje mensi vypousteni DMT do mozku ale vsechno tohle by melo bejt v tom dokumentu. Jeste chci rict ze se tohle neda srovnavat s LSD ani s Psylocibinem jsou to uplně jiné učinky a hlavne je to tak 20x silnejsi.
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Re: Duchovní molekula - dokument o DMT
Na video kouknu zitra hlane me tam zajimaj ty jejich vedechke informce , už sem o tom kdsi neco čet ale nic podloženého.
DMT je jeden z nejučinejších halucinogenu je obsaženej prave treba v te chrastici rakosovite nebotřeba povijnici nachove je taky učinou složkou ayahuasky
problem je v tom že samotny pokud se sni a poddobne nema skoro žadnej učinek musi se pridat MAO inhibitory kdytr blokuji jehi rozklad ty jsou obsaženy taky v nejakých rostlinách nebo i lécich . Na extrakci bez chemickejch znalosti rovnou zapomente
. Nejdostupnejší možností je dovezená ayahuska ale i tak je to obrovskej risk to toho jit bez pripravy a vedení.
Spustit vylučováni v mozku by bylo zajímavejší na to se mrknu
DMT je jeden z nejučinejších halucinogenu je obsaženej prave treba v te chrastici rakosovite nebotřeba povijnici nachove je taky učinou složkou ayahuasky
problem je v tom že samotny pokud se sni a poddobne nema skoro žadnej učinek musi se pridat MAO inhibitory kdytr blokuji jehi rozklad ty jsou obsaženy taky v nejakých rostlinách nebo i lécich . Na extrakci bez chemickejch znalosti rovnou zapomente

Spustit vylučováni v mozku by bylo zajímavejší na to se mrknu
Help! I'm a multidimensional being trapped in a linear time-space continuum!
Re: Duchovní molekula - dokument o DMT
Da se vyrobit jednoduse pomoci nejakyh levych chemikaliji ktere lze koupit v drogerii. Jeden nejmenovany kamarad ho doma vyrabel. Dokonce jsem to i skousel ale mensi davku pres bong takze jedinny co jsem cejtil ze my hrozne ztezkli nohy. Ale u tehle po domacku vyrobenych davkach(ktere se musi kourit) je problem ze trvaji treba jen 3minuty ale pri intenzivnich halucinaci.
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Re: Duchovní molekula - dokument o DMT
Ještě bych doplnil, že jak jsem psal ten zážitek, tak to nebylo dodání DMT zvenčí, ale právě jsem chtěl zkusit jeho samotné uvolnění v mozku pomocí myšlenky. Jak jsem psal, ještě to chci podrobněji prozkoumat.
pokud někdo reagujete na nějaký můj dřívější příspěvek a chcete, abych případně také reagoval, napište mi zprávu, protože už fórum moc nepročítám a nemuseli byste se dočkat 

Re: Duchovní molekula - dokument o DMT
Droga je pouze klíčk který odemyká, určitý systém v mozku - Vypouštění DMT 

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Re: Duchovní molekula - dokument o DMT
O te vyrobě pomoci chemikálií z drogérky dost pochybuju z tech neudelaš ani pořádnou extrakci natož sintézu.Chemikálie z drogerky maj vetšinu mizernou čistou a čitit to nebo sintezovat něco složitejšiho da strašné práce ale da se třeba takovej semtex ale čistota "drog" je potrba o nekolik řádu višši a bez otestování co jsem vlastně vyrobylo bych to toho nikdy nešel .Pokud maš nejky info o pužíte metodě tak pošly , ne že bych to chtěl zkoušet spiš zvedavost 

Help! I'm a multidimensional being trapped in a linear time-space continuum!
Re: Duchovní molekula - dokument o DMT
http://www.edisk.cz/stahni/18086/Extrak ... _26KB.html
Tady jsou vsechny potrebne informace. Kdyz se zaregistrujete muzete si precist zazitky: http://www.biotox.cz/enpsyro/pj3rphl.html
Tady je to podrobneji, asi neco pro tebe ATO
: http://www.dmtextraction.org/phalaris1dmtextraction.htm
Tady jsou vsechny potrebne informace. Kdyz se zaregistrujete muzete si precist zazitky: http://www.biotox.cz/enpsyro/pj3rphl.html
Tady je to podrobneji, asi neco pro tebe ATO

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Re: Duchovní molekula - dokument o DMT
dufam len ze DMT nie je zakazana latka. pretoze inak sa bavit o jej synteze by bolo dost na hrane.
Re: Duchovní molekula - dokument o DMT
Zkusim vyhrabat něco o tom jak donutit mozek aby ho produkoval :
tryptophan ® serotonin ® melatonin ® pinoline ® 5-MeO-DMT ® DMT.
the body inhibits 5-MeO-DMT and DMT synthesis by producing the compound MAO to deactivate the serotonin -- DMT pathway.This is accomplished by enzyme inhibitors, such as harmine and harmaline, which are secreted by the pineal gland in response to circadian rhythms and the darkness of night. - ověřit

*Tryptamine then undergoes a transmethylation (step 2): the enzyme indolethylamine-N-methyltransferase (INMT) catalyzes the transfer of a methyl group from cofactor S-adenosyl-methionine (SAM), via nucleophilic attack, to tryptamine. This reaction transforms SAM into S-adenosylhomocysteine (SAH), and gives the intermediate product N-methyltryptamine (NMT).[20][21] NMT is in turn transmethylated by the same process (step 3) to form the end product N,N-dimethyltryptamine. Tryptamine transmethylation is regulated by two products of the reaction: SAH,[4][22][23] and DMT[4][23] were shown ex vivo to be among the most potent inhibitors of rabbit INMT activity.
DMT binds non-selectively with affinities < 0.6 μM to the following serotonin receptors: 5-HT1A,[61][62][63] 5-HT1B,[61][64] 5-HT1D,[61][63][64] 5-HT2A,[61][63][64][65] 5-HT2B,[61][64] 5-HT2C,[61][64][65] 5-HT6,[61][64] and 5-HT7.[61][64] An agonist action has been determined at 5-HT1A,[62] 5-HT2A and 5-HT2C.[61][64][65] Its efficacies at other serotonin receptors remain to be determined. Of special interest will be the determination of its efficacy at human 5-HT2B receptor as two in vitro assays evidenced DMT high affinity for this receptor: 0.108 μM[64] and 0.184 μM.[61] This may be of importance because chronic or frequent uses of serotonergic drugs showing preferential high affinity and clear agonism at 5-HT2B receptor have been causally linked to valvular heart disease.[66][67]
It has also been shown to possess affinity for the dopamine D1, α1-adrenergic, α2-adrenergic, imidazoline-1, sigma-1 (σ1), and trace amine-associated receptors.[63][64][68] Agonism was demonstrated at 1 μM at the rat trace amine-associated receptor 1 (TAAR1)[69] and converging lines of evidence established activation of the σ1 receptor at concentrations of 50-100 μM.[70] Its efficacies at the other receptor binding sites are unclear. It has also been shown in vitro to be a substrate for the cell-surface serotonin transporter (SERT) and the intracellular vesicular monoamine transporter 2 (VMAT2), inhibiting SERT-mediated serotonin uptake in human platelets at an average concentration of 4.00 ± 0.70 μM and VMAT2-mediated serotonin uptake in vesicles (of army worm Sf9 cells) expressing rat VMAT-2 at an average concentration of 93 ± 6.8 μM.[71]
Like with other so-called "classical hallucinogens",[72] a large part of DMT psychedelic effects can be attributed to a specific activation of the 5-HT2A receptor.[51][61][73][74][75][76][77] DMT concentrations eliciting 50% of its maximal effect (half maximal effective concentration = EC50 or Kact) at the human 5-HT2A receptor in vitro are in the 0.118-0.983 μM range.[61][64][65][78] This range of values coincides well with the range of concentrations measured in blood and plasma after administration of a fully psychedelic dose (see Pharmacokinetics).
As DMT has been shown to have slightly better efficacy (EC50) at human serotonin 2C receptor than at 2A receptor,[64][65] 5-HT2C highly likely also is implicated in DMT overall effects.[74][79] Other receptors, such as 5-HT1A[63][74][76] σ1,[70][80] and TAAR1[69][81][82] may also play a role.
In 2009 it was hypothesized that DMT may be an endogenous ligand for the σ1 receptor.[70][80] The concentration of DMT needed for σ1 activation in vitro (50-100 μM) is similar to the behaviorally active concentration measured in mouse brain of approximately 106 μM [83] This is minimally 4 orders of magnitude (104) higher than the average concentrations measured in rat brain tissue or human plasma under basal conditions (see Endogenous DMT), so σ1 receptors are likely to be activated only under conditions of high local DMT concentrations. If DMT is stored in synaptic vesicles,[71] such concentrations might occur during vesicular release. To illustrate, while the average concentration of serotonin in brain tissue is in the 1.5-4 μM range,[57][58] the concentration of serotonin in synaptic vesicles was measured at 270 mM.[84] Following vesicular release, the resulting concentration of serotonin in the synaptic cleft, to which serotonin receptors are exposed, is estimated to be about 300 μM. Thus, while in vitro receptor binding affinities, efficacies, and average concentrations in tissue or plasma are useful, they are not likely to predict DMT concentrations in the vesicles or at synaptic or intracellular receptors. Under these conditions, notions of receptor selectivity are moot, and it seems probable that most of the receptors identified as targets for DMT (see above) participate in producing its psychedelic effects.
*A potent inhibitor of INMT, which is a necessary enzyme for the synthesis of DMT and 5-MeO-DMT, is found in particularly high concentrations in the pineal gland. A bypassing or inhibition of the synthesis of this inhibitor might be responsible for trances and other psychedelic states achieved "without drugs" (Strassman 1990). See Strassman's article for more info and speculation about the pineal gland.
*A unique biochemical mechanism exists within the human pineal gland. A pair of naturally occuring pineal enzymes, hydroxy-indole-O-methyl transferase (HIOMT) and indole-N-methyl transferase (INMT), are capable of converting serotonin into a number of potent hallucinogens. Regulated by a variety of neuroendocrine mechanisms, these enzymes normally act on specific substrates and function as catalysts in the formation of biogenic amines. However, if they get out of phase with their normal substrates and act on pineal serotonin, they form potent psychoactive compounds within the human brain.
Interestingly enough, pineal catabolism can be intentionally shifted toward the production of these endogenous hallucinogens by a simple manipulation of amine metabolism. If you increase the concentration of pineal serotonin and block its normal enzymatic inactivation, it becomes a substrate for other pineal enzymes, like HIOMT and INMT. As their names imply, HIOMT and INMT are methyl transferase enzymes. They catalyze the transfer of a methyl group from one compound to another. As these enzymes add methyl groups to the indole-oxygen and amino-nitrogen positions, serotonin is converted into 5-methoxy-N,N-dimethyltryptamine, a relatively unknown but extremely potent hallucinogen.
*Interestingly enough, both the ratio of tryptophan to competing amino acids and the proportion of free-to-bound tryptophan can be manipulated by the ingestion of a candy bar. Carbohydrate consumption stimulates the release of insulin from the pancreas. Insulin, in turn, lowers the plasma concentration of glucose and simultaneously enhances the uptake of branched-chain amino acids into muscle. These are the same amino acids which normally compete with tryptophan for transport through the BBB. As their blood concentration decreases, tryptophan continues to circulate in both the free and bound form. But insulin affects this equilibrium as well and releases tryptophan from its binding sites and the albumin molecules. Free, unbound tryptophan increases in concentration, achieves the competitive advantage at the BBB, and is preferentially transported through the endothelial cell membrane by carrier proteins.
*Increased amounts of serotonin are noticeable in brain tissue within two to three hours after the ingestion of a candy bar and a couple of grams of l-tryptophan. Employing a simple manipulation of blood chemistry, this method circumvents the BBB and increases the concentration of serotonin in the human nervous system.
Normally the major pathway in the catabolism of serotonin involves inactivation by the mitochondrial enzyme monoamine oxidase (MAO). In a process called oxidative deamination, MAO converts as much as 80 percent of the body's serotonin into a physiologically inactive metabolite. As serotonin binds to the enzyme's active sites MAO removes the amine function and renders the molecule harmless and ineffective.
In contrast, a short-term MAO inhibitor is reversible on the order of three to six hours. The harmala alkaloids, harmine and harmaline, for example, are especially potent, short-term MAO inhibitors. A small oral dose (25-50 milligrams) temporarily prevents physiologically active amines, like serotonin, from binding to the active site of the MAO molecule and undergoing deamination. For three to six hours, the harmala alkaloids interfere with the function of MAO before their action is reversed and MAO activity restored.

The enzymes necessary to produce DMT from tryptamine and serotonin--N-methyltransferase (NMT) and indolethylamine N-methyltransferase (INMT)--as well as the mRNA necessary to produce the enzymes have been shown to exist in human tissues outside the brain. While found in the spinal cord, these were not identified in the brain itself (Thompson et al., 1999). However, it remains quite possible that they are present in areas of the brain other than those studied by Thompson et al., or that they are present in amounts too small to have been detected, or that the necessary genes are only expressed (and the mRNA produced) under certain conditions.
We know that DMT can be detected in rat brain tissue from animals pretreated with an MAO inhibitor (this was elegantly demonstrated in the Saavedra/Axelrod work), but as far as I know, this hasn't been done with human tissue." (Cozzi, personal communication, 2010)
. Evidence suggests that DMT can be locally sequestered into brain neurotransmitter storage vesicles and that DMT production increases in rodent brain under environmental stress (8)." (Fontanilla et al., 2009)
This enzyme system can be demonstrated in brain, but its activity is very low. Similar findings have been made with regard to the formation of bufotenine from serotonin." (Rosengarten and Friedhoff, 1976)

tryptophan ® serotonin ® melatonin ® pinoline ® 5-MeO-DMT ® DMT.
the body inhibits 5-MeO-DMT and DMT synthesis by producing the compound MAO to deactivate the serotonin -- DMT pathway.This is accomplished by enzyme inhibitors, such as harmine and harmaline, which are secreted by the pineal gland in response to circadian rhythms and the darkness of night. - ověřit

*Tryptamine then undergoes a transmethylation (step 2): the enzyme indolethylamine-N-methyltransferase (INMT) catalyzes the transfer of a methyl group from cofactor S-adenosyl-methionine (SAM), via nucleophilic attack, to tryptamine. This reaction transforms SAM into S-adenosylhomocysteine (SAH), and gives the intermediate product N-methyltryptamine (NMT).[20][21] NMT is in turn transmethylated by the same process (step 3) to form the end product N,N-dimethyltryptamine. Tryptamine transmethylation is regulated by two products of the reaction: SAH,[4][22][23] and DMT[4][23] were shown ex vivo to be among the most potent inhibitors of rabbit INMT activity.
DMT binds non-selectively with affinities < 0.6 μM to the following serotonin receptors: 5-HT1A,[61][62][63] 5-HT1B,[61][64] 5-HT1D,[61][63][64] 5-HT2A,[61][63][64][65] 5-HT2B,[61][64] 5-HT2C,[61][64][65] 5-HT6,[61][64] and 5-HT7.[61][64] An agonist action has been determined at 5-HT1A,[62] 5-HT2A and 5-HT2C.[61][64][65] Its efficacies at other serotonin receptors remain to be determined. Of special interest will be the determination of its efficacy at human 5-HT2B receptor as two in vitro assays evidenced DMT high affinity for this receptor: 0.108 μM[64] and 0.184 μM.[61] This may be of importance because chronic or frequent uses of serotonergic drugs showing preferential high affinity and clear agonism at 5-HT2B receptor have been causally linked to valvular heart disease.[66][67]
It has also been shown to possess affinity for the dopamine D1, α1-adrenergic, α2-adrenergic, imidazoline-1, sigma-1 (σ1), and trace amine-associated receptors.[63][64][68] Agonism was demonstrated at 1 μM at the rat trace amine-associated receptor 1 (TAAR1)[69] and converging lines of evidence established activation of the σ1 receptor at concentrations of 50-100 μM.[70] Its efficacies at the other receptor binding sites are unclear. It has also been shown in vitro to be a substrate for the cell-surface serotonin transporter (SERT) and the intracellular vesicular monoamine transporter 2 (VMAT2), inhibiting SERT-mediated serotonin uptake in human platelets at an average concentration of 4.00 ± 0.70 μM and VMAT2-mediated serotonin uptake in vesicles (of army worm Sf9 cells) expressing rat VMAT-2 at an average concentration of 93 ± 6.8 μM.[71]
Like with other so-called "classical hallucinogens",[72] a large part of DMT psychedelic effects can be attributed to a specific activation of the 5-HT2A receptor.[51][61][73][74][75][76][77] DMT concentrations eliciting 50% of its maximal effect (half maximal effective concentration = EC50 or Kact) at the human 5-HT2A receptor in vitro are in the 0.118-0.983 μM range.[61][64][65][78] This range of values coincides well with the range of concentrations measured in blood and plasma after administration of a fully psychedelic dose (see Pharmacokinetics).
As DMT has been shown to have slightly better efficacy (EC50) at human serotonin 2C receptor than at 2A receptor,[64][65] 5-HT2C highly likely also is implicated in DMT overall effects.[74][79] Other receptors, such as 5-HT1A[63][74][76] σ1,[70][80] and TAAR1[69][81][82] may also play a role.
In 2009 it was hypothesized that DMT may be an endogenous ligand for the σ1 receptor.[70][80] The concentration of DMT needed for σ1 activation in vitro (50-100 μM) is similar to the behaviorally active concentration measured in mouse brain of approximately 106 μM [83] This is minimally 4 orders of magnitude (104) higher than the average concentrations measured in rat brain tissue or human plasma under basal conditions (see Endogenous DMT), so σ1 receptors are likely to be activated only under conditions of high local DMT concentrations. If DMT is stored in synaptic vesicles,[71] such concentrations might occur during vesicular release. To illustrate, while the average concentration of serotonin in brain tissue is in the 1.5-4 μM range,[57][58] the concentration of serotonin in synaptic vesicles was measured at 270 mM.[84] Following vesicular release, the resulting concentration of serotonin in the synaptic cleft, to which serotonin receptors are exposed, is estimated to be about 300 μM. Thus, while in vitro receptor binding affinities, efficacies, and average concentrations in tissue or plasma are useful, they are not likely to predict DMT concentrations in the vesicles or at synaptic or intracellular receptors. Under these conditions, notions of receptor selectivity are moot, and it seems probable that most of the receptors identified as targets for DMT (see above) participate in producing its psychedelic effects.
*A potent inhibitor of INMT, which is a necessary enzyme for the synthesis of DMT and 5-MeO-DMT, is found in particularly high concentrations in the pineal gland. A bypassing or inhibition of the synthesis of this inhibitor might be responsible for trances and other psychedelic states achieved "without drugs" (Strassman 1990). See Strassman's article for more info and speculation about the pineal gland.
*A unique biochemical mechanism exists within the human pineal gland. A pair of naturally occuring pineal enzymes, hydroxy-indole-O-methyl transferase (HIOMT) and indole-N-methyl transferase (INMT), are capable of converting serotonin into a number of potent hallucinogens. Regulated by a variety of neuroendocrine mechanisms, these enzymes normally act on specific substrates and function as catalysts in the formation of biogenic amines. However, if they get out of phase with their normal substrates and act on pineal serotonin, they form potent psychoactive compounds within the human brain.
Interestingly enough, pineal catabolism can be intentionally shifted toward the production of these endogenous hallucinogens by a simple manipulation of amine metabolism. If you increase the concentration of pineal serotonin and block its normal enzymatic inactivation, it becomes a substrate for other pineal enzymes, like HIOMT and INMT. As their names imply, HIOMT and INMT are methyl transferase enzymes. They catalyze the transfer of a methyl group from one compound to another. As these enzymes add methyl groups to the indole-oxygen and amino-nitrogen positions, serotonin is converted into 5-methoxy-N,N-dimethyltryptamine, a relatively unknown but extremely potent hallucinogen.
*Interestingly enough, both the ratio of tryptophan to competing amino acids and the proportion of free-to-bound tryptophan can be manipulated by the ingestion of a candy bar. Carbohydrate consumption stimulates the release of insulin from the pancreas. Insulin, in turn, lowers the plasma concentration of glucose and simultaneously enhances the uptake of branched-chain amino acids into muscle. These are the same amino acids which normally compete with tryptophan for transport through the BBB. As their blood concentration decreases, tryptophan continues to circulate in both the free and bound form. But insulin affects this equilibrium as well and releases tryptophan from its binding sites and the albumin molecules. Free, unbound tryptophan increases in concentration, achieves the competitive advantage at the BBB, and is preferentially transported through the endothelial cell membrane by carrier proteins.
*Increased amounts of serotonin are noticeable in brain tissue within two to three hours after the ingestion of a candy bar and a couple of grams of l-tryptophan. Employing a simple manipulation of blood chemistry, this method circumvents the BBB and increases the concentration of serotonin in the human nervous system.
Normally the major pathway in the catabolism of serotonin involves inactivation by the mitochondrial enzyme monoamine oxidase (MAO). In a process called oxidative deamination, MAO converts as much as 80 percent of the body's serotonin into a physiologically inactive metabolite. As serotonin binds to the enzyme's active sites MAO removes the amine function and renders the molecule harmless and ineffective.
In contrast, a short-term MAO inhibitor is reversible on the order of three to six hours. The harmala alkaloids, harmine and harmaline, for example, are especially potent, short-term MAO inhibitors. A small oral dose (25-50 milligrams) temporarily prevents physiologically active amines, like serotonin, from binding to the active site of the MAO molecule and undergoing deamination. For three to six hours, the harmala alkaloids interfere with the function of MAO before their action is reversed and MAO activity restored.

The enzymes necessary to produce DMT from tryptamine and serotonin--N-methyltransferase (NMT) and indolethylamine N-methyltransferase (INMT)--as well as the mRNA necessary to produce the enzymes have been shown to exist in human tissues outside the brain. While found in the spinal cord, these were not identified in the brain itself (Thompson et al., 1999). However, it remains quite possible that they are present in areas of the brain other than those studied by Thompson et al., or that they are present in amounts too small to have been detected, or that the necessary genes are only expressed (and the mRNA produced) under certain conditions.
We know that DMT can be detected in rat brain tissue from animals pretreated with an MAO inhibitor (this was elegantly demonstrated in the Saavedra/Axelrod work), but as far as I know, this hasn't been done with human tissue." (Cozzi, personal communication, 2010)
. Evidence suggests that DMT can be locally sequestered into brain neurotransmitter storage vesicles and that DMT production increases in rodent brain under environmental stress (8)." (Fontanilla et al., 2009)
This enzyme system can be demonstrated in brain, but its activity is very low. Similar findings have been made with regard to the formation of bufotenine from serotonin." (Rosengarten and Friedhoff, 1976)

Help! I'm a multidimensional being trapped in a linear time-space continuum!
Re: Duchovní molekula - dokument o DMT
zakazaná je , a vetšina sintéz vyžaduje látky které jsou kontrolovany a bez povolení se koupit nedaj
Ale nejlepší chemickou továrnu co máme mezi ušima zakazat nemužou
. Je se to chce naučit ji používat.
Ale nejlepší chemickou továrnu co máme mezi ušima zakazat nemužou

Help! I'm a multidimensional being trapped in a linear time-space continuum!
Re: Duchovní molekula - dokument o DMT
Takže bohužel v dokumentu byli jen teorie a ne vědecky potvrzeny data.
Je dokázano že v človeku je jisty množstvy DMT našly v páteři a páteři - mozek špatně prozkoumanej a při testech co byli nic nenašly .
To že šišinky produkuje DMT je jen teorie neni to ničím dokázano , obsahuje enzimy ktre mohou vést k sintéze DMT ale že by se tam skutečne dělo dokázano není .
Zvýšít produkcy DMT by šlo pomocí doplnků stravy ,vitamínů a učinků světla vyjde to docela draho a trip se rozhodne očekávat nedá spíš zlepšená nalada , živejší sny a možná lepší vizualizace. Da se to zvýšit použitím MAO-I tripu se nedosahne a jsou dost rizika při spatném dávkování.
Postup- zatim jen potřebné věci nehodlam se tim dal zabjvat pokud o to nebude mit vyložene nekdo zajem pak se da spočitat famakokinetika a přesny dávkovaní.
zelezo,zinek,B-komplex,hořčík,vitamin C
L-tryptofan , cukr ,(MAO-I)
Je dokázano že v človeku je jisty množstvy DMT našly v páteři a páteři - mozek špatně prozkoumanej a při testech co byli nic nenašly .
To že šišinky produkuje DMT je jen teorie neni to ničím dokázano , obsahuje enzimy ktre mohou vést k sintéze DMT ale že by se tam skutečne dělo dokázano není .
Zvýšít produkcy DMT by šlo pomocí doplnků stravy ,vitamínů a učinků světla vyjde to docela draho a trip se rozhodne očekávat nedá spíš zlepšená nalada , živejší sny a možná lepší vizualizace. Da se to zvýšit použitím MAO-I tripu se nedosahne a jsou dost rizika při spatném dávkování.
Postup- zatim jen potřebné věci nehodlam se tim dal zabjvat pokud o to nebude mit vyložene nekdo zajem pak se da spočitat famakokinetika a přesny dávkovaní.
zelezo,zinek,B-komplex,hořčík,vitamin C
L-tryptofan , cukr ,(MAO-I)
Help! I'm a multidimensional being trapped in a linear time-space continuum!
Re: Duchovní molekula - dokument o DMT
DMT: molekula duše: převratný vědecký výzkum stavů blízkých smrti a ...
Od autorů: Rick Strassman
http://books.google.cz/books?id=2HSuQKJ ... ba&f=false
Od autorů: Rick Strassman
http://books.google.cz/books?id=2HSuQKJ ... ba&f=false
Help! I'm a multidimensional being trapped in a linear time-space continuum!
Re: Duchovní molekula - dokument o DMT
Tak jsem včera večer dokument zhlédl. Jsem vcelku spokojený, jen škoda, že více nerozvedli ten výzkum (ale třeba to bude v té knize, na kterou dal ATA odkaz).
pokud někdo reagujete na nějaký můj dřívější příspěvek a chcete, abych případně také reagoval, napište mi zprávu, protože už fórum moc nepročítám a nemuseli byste se dočkat 

Re: Duchovní molekula - dokument o DMT
DMT: molekula duše: převratný vědecký výzkum stavů blízkých smrti a ...
Rick Strassman
kniha kvalitní sken
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Rick Strassman
kniha kvalitní sken
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