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First Chakra ~ The Root Chakra
'Rainbow Spider Woman'
‘The Rainbow Spider Woman’ honors the healing process of the root chakra and the three lower chakras. The Rainbow Spider Woman assists us through the times in our lives that call for grounding. Sometimes grief, loneliness and despair lead to desires of escapism. Call upon the Rainbow Spider Woman to release old karma attachments that are rooted in unhealthy emotions and old energy. Root yourself to the Mother Earth and feel her holding you firmly, and feel yourself between Mother Earth & Father Sky, fully supported in unconditional love. Uproot what is unhealthy and not serving you, do not uproot your destiny with feelings of wanting to leave the planet. Rest in knowing that once you let go of what is not serving you, you will feel much liberation. The pain shall pass. You are bathed in the Rainbow Rays of the Cosmos and you are being hugged by thousands of Angels.
The foundation for all healing starts with the base and works its way up. Clean, clear and beautiful rainbow light, is the result of a deep dedication to your healing path and balancing the energy of your seven chakras. As humankind continues to evolve awareness and learning of more chakra energy centers will emerge. Most people are still working on balancing and healing the basic seven chakras at this time.