A Normalization Model of Multisensory Integration
http://europepmc.org/articles/PMC310277 ... ZcAlqLcO.8
*“principle of inverse effectiveness”, which states that multisensory enhancement is large for weak multimodal stimuli and decreases with stimulus intensity
*For low stimulus intensities, the bimodal response (solid black) exceeds the sum of the unimodal responses (dashed black), indicating super-additivity (Fig. 2B). However, as stimulus intensity increases, the bimodal response becomes sub-additive, demonstrating inverse effectiveness.
(Input1, ‘+’ symbol) is presented in the center of the RF, while the other input (Input2, ‘×’ symbol) is spatially offset from the RF center by different amounts (Fig. 3A). When both inputs are centered on the RF (Fig. 3B, left-most column), the combined response exceeds the unimodal responses for all stimulus intensities (as in Fig. 2B). As Input2 is offset from the RF center, the bimodal response decreases relative to that of the more effective Input1. Importantly, when the stimulus offset substantially exceeds one standard deviation of the Gaussian RF profile (two right-most columns of Fig. 3B), the combined response becomes suppressed below the unimodal response to Input1. Hence, the model neuron exhibits the spatial principle. The intuition for this result is simple: the less effective (i.e., offset) input contributes little to the underlying linear response of the neuron, but contributes strongly to the normalization signal because the normalization pool includes neurons with RFs that span a larger region of space. Note that the model neuron exhibits inverse effectiveness for all of these stimulus conditions (Fig. 3C), although super-additivity declines as the spatial offset increases.
integration rules
Moderátor: Lucid Dreaming Project
integration rules
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http://www.frontiersin.org/Neural_Circu ... 00022/full
Vyžší oblasti vizuálního kortexu lze snadněji modulovat pomocí vědomí (pozornosti)
Vizualizace věcí odpovídající pozdějším úrovním zpracování ve vizuálním kortexu muže mít větší učinek
Učinek pozornosti na neurony v oblasti V2
Vyžší oblasti vizuálního kortexu lze snadněji modulovat pomocí vědomí (pozornosti)
Vizualizace věcí odpovídající pozdějším úrovním zpracování ve vizuálním kortexu muže mít větší učinek
Učinek pozornosti na neurony v oblasti V2
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Re: integration rules
- přesnost
-- přesnost senzoru
-- šum
-- kumulace šumu
-- zvýšení šumu při relaxaci
- integrace signálů na zvýšení přesnosti odhadu
Humans integrate visual and haptic information in a statistically optimal fashion
http://www.cns.nyu.edu/~david/courses/p ... re2002.pdf
-- přesnost senzoru
-- šum
-- kumulace šumu
-- zvýšení šumu při relaxaci
- integrace signálů na zvýšení přesnosti odhadu
Humans integrate visual and haptic information in a statistically optimal fashion
http://www.cns.nyu.edu/~david/courses/p ... re2002.pdf
Help! I'm a multidimensional being trapped in a linear time-space continuum!
On the other hand: Dummy hands and peripersonal space
On the other hand: Dummy hands and peripersonal space
http://www0.cs.ucl.ac.uk/research/vr/Pr ... w-2008.pdf
* aligned in an anatomically plausible position.
= pozice ruky(částí těla) musí byt anatomicky možná , pokud je jiná tak záleži na intenzite pri hodne velké intenzitě se muže dokoce vytvořit tělo kolem/z ruky , zaleži take na intenzitě ostaních vstupua vzájemé integraci.
* responses to visual and auditory stimuli only when they are presented near to the body,typically approaching or receding from the relevant body part
=vizualizovat u ruky ne někde predsebou v prostoru nebo pokud už je to v prostoru tak vždy kombinaci ruka+obejekt blizko sebe idelane primo interakci
* integrace v RF neuronu (možna by řešilo otazku vzdálenosti)
=každej neuron ma oblast ketrou spracova integruje jen data z oblasti
* crossmodal congruency effect (CCE) stronger in peripersonal space
= efekt vizualizace bude větší poblíž ruky
*fMRI showed significantly stronger activation to a visual stimulus when it was approaching the subject’s hand, as compared to a similar stimulus moving far from their hands
= to co se približuje je hrozba/msíme reagova to ce približuje ma vetši efekt než to co se vzdaluje
? prumerují se signály pouze v pripadě že vysledek je presnější ?
*RHI F drift 15–30%
*RHI 4-6,11s
*the occurrence of the RHI is limited by the distance between the dummy hand and the subject’s real hand
Lloyd found a significant decrease in illusion strength (compared to the minimal separation) for separations greater than 27.5cm.
exponential decay of illusion strength with distance
when the dummy hand is placed outside the initial(i.e.,un-shifted)peri-hand space, the visual stimulus near the dummy hand is not represented by peri-hand multisensory mechanisms, and therefore no referred
tactile sensation to the dummy hand can be elicited
http://www.sciencedirect.com/science/ar ... 2606002119
http://www0.cs.ucl.ac.uk/research/vr/Pr ... w-2008.pdf
* aligned in an anatomically plausible position.
= pozice ruky(částí těla) musí byt anatomicky možná , pokud je jiná tak záleži na intenzite pri hodne velké intenzitě se muže dokoce vytvořit tělo kolem/z ruky , zaleži take na intenzitě ostaních vstupua vzájemé integraci.
* responses to visual and auditory stimuli only when they are presented near to the body,typically approaching or receding from the relevant body part
=vizualizovat u ruky ne někde predsebou v prostoru nebo pokud už je to v prostoru tak vždy kombinaci ruka+obejekt blizko sebe idelane primo interakci
* integrace v RF neuronu (možna by řešilo otazku vzdálenosti)
=každej neuron ma oblast ketrou spracova integruje jen data z oblasti
* crossmodal congruency effect (CCE) stronger in peripersonal space
= efekt vizualizace bude větší poblíž ruky
*fMRI showed significantly stronger activation to a visual stimulus when it was approaching the subject’s hand, as compared to a similar stimulus moving far from their hands
= to co se približuje je hrozba/msíme reagova to ce približuje ma vetši efekt než to co se vzdaluje
? prumerují se signály pouze v pripadě že vysledek je presnější ?
*RHI F drift 15–30%
*RHI 4-6,11s
*the occurrence of the RHI is limited by the distance between the dummy hand and the subject’s real hand
Lloyd found a significant decrease in illusion strength (compared to the minimal separation) for separations greater than 27.5cm.
exponential decay of illusion strength with distance
when the dummy hand is placed outside the initial(i.e.,un-shifted)peri-hand space, the visual stimulus near the dummy hand is not represented by peri-hand multisensory mechanisms, and therefore no referred
tactile sensation to the dummy hand can be elicited
http://www.sciencedirect.com/science/ar ... 2606002119
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Re: integration rules
Spatial limits on the nonvisual self-touch illusion and the visual rubber hand illusion: Subjective experience of the illusion and proprioceptive drift
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Re: integration rules
Fig. 3. Mean (circles) and standard deviation (error bars) of the perceived size of the thumb (filled circles) and index finger (open circles) during control, after full anaesthesia of the thumb induced by local anaesthestic injection into the digital nerves of the thumb, after innocuous stimulation of the intact thumb, and after painful cooling of the thumb. Asterisk denotes significantly different to control.
Help! I'm a multidimensional being trapped in a linear time-space continuum!
Re: integration rules
Multisensory brain mechanisms of bodily self-consciousness
http://infoscience.epfl.ch/record/18012 ... e_2012.pdf
http://infoscience.epfl.ch/record/18012 ... e_2012.pdf
Help! I'm a multidimensional being trapped in a linear time-space continuum!
Re: integration rules
Hands only illusion: multisensory integration elicits sense of ownership for body parts but not for non-corporeal objects
http://www.pc.rhul.ac.uk/sites/lab/wp-c ... R-2010.pdf
http://www.pc.rhul.ac.uk/sites/lab/wp-c ... R-2010.pdf
Help! I'm a multidimensional being trapped in a linear time-space continuum!
Re: integration rules
peripersonal space
can be divided into two parts: a near sector, constituted of the space immediately surrounding body (about 5 cm), where visuotactile integration is strongest; and a far sector (at approximately 35 cm from the body), where visuotactile interactions are weaker.
can be divided into two parts: a near sector, constituted of the space immediately surrounding body (about 5 cm), where visuotactile integration is strongest; and a far sector (at approximately 35 cm from the body), where visuotactile interactions are weaker.
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Re: integration rules
Help! I'm a multidimensional being trapped in a linear time-space continuum!
Re: integration rules
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