NEUTRAL POSITION - arm at the side with humerus in the lateral plane of the body and elbow extended. Since the arm is pointing to 6 o'clock on a circle, the starting point is one of 180°.
Abduction, with elbow flexed 90° (glenohumeral motion) - arc 180 - 90°
Adduction, with elbow flexed 35 to 45° (glenohumeral motion) - arc 180 - 145 to 135°
Abduction with scapula fixed elbow extended 90° (glenohumeral motion) - arc 180 - 90°
Abduction, with scapula free elbow extended 180° (shoulder girdle motion) - arc 180°
Forward elevation (flexion), with scapula fixed 90° (glenohumeral motion) - arc 180 to 90°
Forward elevation (flexion), with scapula free 180° (shoulder girdle motion) - arc 180°
Backward elevation (extension) 45 to 55° (glenohumeral motion) - arc 180 - 135 to 125°
Adduction with elbow extended 35 to 45° - arc 180 - 145 to 135°
External and internal rotation, with arm in abduction - arc of 180°
External rotation, with arm at side and elbow flexed 35 to 45° - arc 180 - 145 to 135°
Internal rotation, with arm at side and elbow flexed 70 to 90° - arc of 180 - 110 to 90°
Circumduction - 360° (shoulder girdle motion

NEUTRAL POSITION - forearm in extension
Extension to 180°
Flexion to 45° - arc 180 to 135°
Hyperextension may or may not be present

NEUTRAL POSITION - elbow flexed at 90° and forearm midway between pronation and supination (forearm at the vertical)
Supination, with wrist, from the vertical - 90°
Pronation, with wrist, from the vertical - 90°
Supination, without wrist, from the vertical - 85°
Pronation, without wrist, from the vertical - 50°

NEUTRAL POSITION - Hand in line with forearm with palm facing downward
Radial flexion - 25 - 35°; arc 180 to 155 - 145°
Ulnar flexion - 35 - 45°; arc 180 to 145 - 135°
Dorsiflexion (extension) - 55 - 65°; arc 180 to 125 - 115°
Palmar flexion (flexion) - 60 - 70°; arc 180 to 120 - 110°